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Summertime is Go Time!

Between all the fun summer activities, outdoor and in, it can be hard to fit in healthy meals and snacks.

Snacking is easy and quick, but some snacks can leave you hungry again in no time. That's why it is important to choose balanced snacks!

Balanced snacks contain different MyPlate food groups that help provide sustainable and lasting energy.  Including different food groups in your snacks adds a variety of important nutrients. With a little planning, a balanced snack can still be easy and quick on the go to provide energy for all your summer fun!  A balanced snack will help keep you satisfied for longer, and will contribute to your recommended daily allowance of a variety of nutrients!

Snack smarter:

  • Choose foods from at least 3 of the MyPlate food groups to create a balanced snack.

Snack on the go:

  • Some foods need to be kept cool if being held out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours.
    • Freeze a water bottle to use as an ice pack to chill your foods - then when the bottle thaws, you can drink it to hydrate too!

Snack yummier:

  • A balanced snack can be any number of combos! Try:
    • Cheese stick, whole grain crackers, apple slices
    • Hummus, carrots, tortilla chips
    • Popcorn, berries, dark chocolate chips
    • Yogurt, granola, banana

From the Carolina Hunger Initiative in collaboration with No Kid Hungry



The end of the year is an exciting time, but it also brings about new sources of stress that might not be around for the rest of the year.

It is a great time to practice ways to reduce stress especially before the busy holiday season begins.

  • Remember to schedule time for physical activity. Write it down on your calendar so you are able to make time for it.
  • Try to include some activity into holiday parties. It can be dancing, hiking, games, and more!
  • Take some time for yourself during the holidays. This can be taking 10 minutes to sneak away from family, or running an errand by yourself.

Make sure to have fun and laugh often! We often look back and the holidays flew by quickly, try to find something to enjoy and laugh about every day!  There are many ways to fit a quick 30 minutes of physical activity into the day.

  • Try a morning walk before the day gets busy
  • Search YouTube for a beginner’s level yoga class that the whole family can enjoy
  • Turn on your favorite music and have a dance party
  • Put together an after-dinner family-friendly football game outside
  • Take a nature ‘scavenger hike’. Make a list for things to look for such as pretty leaves, pinecones, acorns and more!
  • Play a game inside that involves movement: Heads-up, charades, Simon-says

What are some other ways you and your family like to be active?

Even if you exercise each day, studies show that sitting for long periods will increase your risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and early death. Many of us sit at a desk or in front of a computer for school or work.  At home, you watch a video, read, or play games while seated for long periods.

Here are some tips to encourage to get up and move:

  • Trade your chair for an exercise ball. This seating alternative offers numerous benefits, including improvement of balance, posture, spine alignment, and even circulation.
  • Walk and talk. Take advantage of the opportunity to stand up, stretch or move around while on calls that do not require being on the computer. If you have a schedule touch base or one-on-one with a colleague or a friend suggest a "walking meeting."
  • Break time fitness. Encourage your children to stand up and move or do some fitness practices together during the 10 mins break time.

If you do work on a computer for a long period of time, try the Pomodoro Technique:

  • work for 25 minutes,
  • take a 5-minute break,
  • repeat for four times.
  • then, take a 25-minute break.

Try to get in some movement on each of those breaks, even if it is just stretching. For your long break, try going for a walk or even vacuuming. Anything that will get you up and moving.

Join Steps to Health in celebrating National Farm to School Month by crunching into a locally grown apples on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. Participants of all ages are invited to crunch!

Across North Carolina, youth and adults will crunch on locally grown apples to celebrate North Carolina agriculture, National Farm to School and Early Care and Education month, local farmers, community engagement, and healthy eating.

How can you participate?

  • Look for recipes, and activities on this website to promote this fun activity.
  • Purchase apples grown by local farmers.

If you are unable to participate on October 21st, you can plan a NC Crunch event anytime during October to celebrate National Farm to School Month or plan ahead for next year!