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Summertime is Go Time!

Between all the fun summer activities, outdoor and in, it can be hard to fit in healthy meals and snacks.

Snacking is easy and quick, but some snacks can leave you hungry again in no time. That's why it is important to choose balanced snacks!

Balanced snacks contain different MyPlate food groups that help provide sustainable and lasting energy.  Including different food groups in your snacks adds a variety of important nutrients. With a little planning, a balanced snack can still be easy and quick on the go to provide energy for all your summer fun!  A balanced snack will help keep you satisfied for longer, and will contribute to your recommended daily allowance of a variety of nutrients!

Snack smarter:

  • Choose foods from at least 3 of the MyPlate food groups to create a balanced snack.

Snack on the go:

  • Some foods need to be kept cool if being held out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours.
    • Freeze a water bottle to use as an ice pack to chill your foods - then when the bottle thaws, you can drink it to hydrate too!

Snack yummier:

  • A balanced snack can be any number of combos! Try:
    • Cheese stick, whole grain crackers, apple slices
    • Hummus, carrots, tortilla chips
    • Popcorn, berries, dark chocolate chips
    • Yogurt, granola, banana

From the Carolina Hunger Initiative in collaboration with No Kid Hungry