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Healthy Celebration

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Color Me Healthy was held at a local childcare center, the preschoolers were introduced to different colors of fruits, which also included a taste test.

They created their own fruit kabobs, which featured fruits that many had never tried before such as blueberries and raspberries. After this session, the teachers used activity time to create a fruit basket for the children to draw on their own. The children were encouraged to draw with different colors and use various materials to create their own fruit bowl. With the support of the teachers, the children are able to use art to explore different colors of fruits. As a result, positive health behaviors are encouraged and celebrated.

By participating in Steps to Health, youth are exposed to healthier snack options and learned the importance of physical activity. As a result, the youth were very successful in planning their Valentine’s Day party as they incorporated healthy food options they learned in the program. These foods included fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain cereal mix. Additionally, this proved to be a great way to engage their parents and apply what they learned through the program.